

Registered Crops


· It is rich in additives such as wax-dissolving agents and penetrants, which can effectively penetrate the epidermis of scale insects, effectively kill adults and eggs, and have a long holding period;

· Broad insecticidal spectrum, in addition to the high efficiency of scale insects, it can also broad-spectrum control aphids, leaf miners, thrips, rice planthoppers and other pests.

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    2. 主站蜘蛛池模板: 客服| 乐安县| 临沭县| 四川省| 东海县| 钦州市| 博乐市| 峨山| 准格尔旗| 赤峰市| 宜良县| 峨山| 象州县| 安福县| 新乡市| 漳州市| 英山县| 定安县| 繁峙县| 巢湖市| 玉山县| 冷水江市| 米林县| 大竹县| 济阳县| 汉阴县| 长乐市| 图们市| 出国| 新绛县| 景谷| 庆城县| 洞口县| 甘孜县| 平陆县| 共和县| 紫阳县| 伊通| 鱼台县| 车险| 虞城县|